Guest Review of Finding Bear

On September 28th, the eagerly anticipated and unmissable follow-up to the phenomenal bestselling and award winning The Last Bear is released. We hosted a competition on our Instagram, and the winner got an advanced copy of Finding Bear, courtesy of The Imaginarium, Hannah Gold and Harper Collins. The winners - in this case- were Emily and Oliver, who’s mum entered on their behalf.

Emily (aged 11) and Oliver (aged 9), loved the book and answered a few questions below.

What is the book about?
The book is about a girl called April who has a friend polar bear, and she travels to the Arctic to try and find him because she’s worried he’s in trouble. The book also tells us about the threats of climate change in the Arctic.

What was your favourite part?

Oliver -
When we find out Bear has a cub.

Emily -
When they all return back to Svalbard and go on an adventure.

Why should others read it?

Emily -
Because it’s a great book, full of adventure,  and it’s really exciting to read. It is also very funny in parts.

Oliver -
It’s a heart warming book and tells you how the planet is changing in a fun and adventurous way.

How many stars out of five would you give it?

Emily -
Five Stars *****

Oliver -
4 1/2 stars ****

The Last Bear, published last year, is a wonderful and important book. Aimed at readers aged 8+ and beautifully illustrated by Levi Pinfold, The Last Bear helps readers understand the changes that have happened in our world and the impact it’s had on nature. Finding Bear, follows up on April’s life with a return journey to Svalbard, where she must face her fears to protect a lost and in need animal.

Finding Bear is out on 28th September in Hardback - £12.99.


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