Reading Goals
Reading goals can consist of anything, whether they are big goals or small ones. Like finishing your entire physical TBR or aiming to read one book a month. They are personal and can vary and that’s what I love about setting myself up with reading goals for the next year. I usually pick between 3 or 5 different goals to aim to complete throughout 2024 and while I aim to finish them, I never let myself feel pressured by them because that usually ends in a reading slump.
My first goal of the year is to finish 108 books, that is the amount of books I owned physically leaving 2024 which is if four more than I had for my 2023 version of this goal and despite not finishing it last year I’m going to do my best to complete it this year. This might seem quite a high number to reach but in 2022 I managed to finish 150 books, which was very stressful but nevertheless I managed it, so I’m sure this year (hopefully without as many slumps as I had in 2023) I can manage 108. Wish me luck!
The second goal I have set for myself this year is to listen to 12 audiobooks (via libro fm) as I have a bit of a backlog and I would love to be able to listen to at least one a month as I struggle with them depending on the genre and it would be great to see if I could get through them.
My third goal is to read 24 in 24, this is 24 recommendations from friends, where they have absolutely no limit on what they can recommend, it could be their favourite book, the worst book they’ve ever read or a 1000 page tome. Despite the no limit rule, I believe the list of recommendations I’ve compiled can be easily completed and hopefully I’ll have some new favourites to obsess over and shout about.
My last goal is to finish 12 buddy reads with my best friend Brooke. We have extremely similar tastes in book so usually end up buying the same thing and leaving them on our shelves to be read. So to help each other shorten our physical TBR we agreed to buddy read at least one book a month this year. Buddy reading is usually one of my go to ways to get through books I’ve left on my shelf for a while, there’s more motivation when reading with someone than when I’m reading alone. Plus it can be fun to make a competition out of it and see who finishes the book first (it’s never usually me).
So there are my goals for the year, have you set any for yourself? No matter how big or small your goals may be, don’t let them stop you from enjoying books! Reading is a hobby, it should never feel like a chore!