A rom-com about Esther, a woman on the verge of being thirty. She has a great job and flat shares with her two closest friends. Despite how great her life seems to be, Esther feels like she’s missing out on having that special someone in her life.
Tired of being single and sick of bad date after bad date, she thinks she’s found the answer to her romance problem in an old women's magazine. According to the magazine’s dating column, there are seven archetypes a woman will date before finding Mr. Right. It all seems silly at first, until Esther realizes she has exactly seven exes that match the The First Love, The Work Mistake, The Overlap, The Friend with Benefits, The Missed Chance, The Bastard, and The Serious One. Is it so hard to believe that perhaps one of them is The One?
So Esther decides to embark on the journey of contacting each of her exes and seeing if maybe, just maybe one of them is the one for her.