Book Review: Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus has been extremely popular recently. Quite a few customers have come in and raved about this book and usually when a book is constantly talked about and hyped up, it tends to put me off reading it but I couldn’t resist picking it up.

This book follows our main character Elizabeth Zott, a female scientist in the early 1960’s. We see Elizabeth navigate her way through a world of men in science, her team being all male, with their own unequal views on her role in science. Until she meets Calvin. The one man to fall in love with her mind the way it is. After being forced to resign from her position, Elizabeth reluctantly takes a job as the host of a cooking show but with her own approach, fueled by scientific and rational commentary which grabs the attention of the nation and the overlooked housewives find themselves daring to make a change.

It took me less than twenty fours to dive in and demolish this book. I was feeling a rollercoaster of emotions for Elizabeth who also brought great inspiration to me and I’m sure for many others. She’s strong, determined and never falters from her beliefs no matter how many times she’s shot down, how could she not be inspiring? The story itself takes a turn I never expected and could not help but feel saddened for our main character. Despite the sad turns, this book had an absolutely amazing conclusion with a slight twist and would absolutely not change a single thing about this book. This one will definitely stick with me.


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